Timothy  -    12th July 2024  -    ,

Redefine your security standards, with our ideal solution for safe and controlled door entry in multi-residency buildings.

DNAKEs android-based S615 is a gamechanger. Chock full of innovative technology, it combines seamless video communication and multiple entry methods, with a robust build, user-friendly interface and cutting-edge security features.

Designed with community in mind, the S615 is the perfect security set-up for apartment blocks, commercial buildings, and even visitor focused outdoor areas such as large parks, gardens and nature centres. Considerate of those users with visual or hearing impairments, a traditional Braille Dot has been incorporated to locate the ‘mid’ number 5 and – whilst not more important, but certainly unlike other competitors – an Induction Loop Amplifier Module is built-in to the device, rather than being an additional accessory. It will seamlessly link with hearing aids and is surely a feature that will become the standard going forward.

The integrated tamper alarm and facial recognition technology – including a unique anti-spoofing algorithm – means you can rest easy in the knowledge that the S615 will keep your properties protected with multi-layers of security.

One of our favourite features for the S615 is the visitor access via QR code feature. Part of the DNAKE Smart Pro App and an easy fix for frustrating visitor access, it allows residents to share access with a limited use QR code, which can have restrictions and timings pre-loaded. Also included with the Smart Pro App is a wide variety of additional features and safeguarding options. You can store a log of all visits for reviewing later, add family members or colleagues, take snapshots of individuals from the video roll and even receive your calls through your phone instead of just getting a notification!

A digital display with a phonebook, Teltonika 4G modem, integrated proximity tag reader and included cloud service are just a few more of the many features which make the S615 a convenient, accessible, well-rounded solution to security concerns.

For full product information and to purchase, just click here.



We also supply the DNAKE S213K Door Entry Kit, designed specifically for a single residency and with the tech and safety features seen here in the S615, it’s the perfect security upgrade for your family home.
